Lion of the Senate or Quisling of the Senate?
This week has been filled with sickening eulogies to the vastly-overrated youngest Kennedy brother since his passing on August 25th. His life has been talked to death, no pun intended, seemingly leaving no stone unturned. And while this may not be the last word on Ted, let’s hope it is one that really sinks home. Because it poignantly describes the depths to which this country has sunk when a man such as Ted Kennedy can be given such a hero’s sendoff.
Ted Kennedy’s friends and foes alike have taken to calling him the “Lion of the Senate.” But was he really a “Lion” or a “Quisling?” For those of you unfamiliar with the term, it is applied to anyone who collaborates with enemies of his country – a traitor in common parlance.
Vidkun Quisling was the Nazi appointed Minister/President of Norway during WW II and actively collaborated with the Nazis during, and probably before their occupation. According to Wikipedia:
In the morning, [of the German invasion of Norway] two German embassy officials (Hans Wilhelm Scheidt and Richard Schreiber) visited Quisling to encourage him to form a government, and Quisling drew up a list of Ministers. In the afternoon he telephoned some coastal batteries urging them to cease resistance to German forces. At 7:32 PM, without waiting for recognition, Quisling burst into the NRK studios in Oslo and broadcast a proclamation naming himself Prime Minister and ordering all resistance to halt at once. In hindsight, this treasonous act doomed any chance of persuading Norway to surrender (as Denmark had the previous day).[5] It was claimed at the time that Quisling's seizure of power in a puppet government had been part of the German plan.[6]
The term “Quisling” quickly became synonymous with treason:
The term was coined by the British newspaper The Times on 15 April, 1940, entitled "Quislings everywhere." The editorial asserted: "To writers, the word Quisling is a gift from the gods. If they had been ordered to invent a new word for traitor... they could hardly have hit upon a more brilliant combination of letters. Actually it contrives to suggest something at once slippery and tortuous."
“Slippery and tortuous…” I think that is a much more fitting description than “Lion.” If you don’t agree already, read on. You will.
Kennedy’s attempted collaboration with the Soviet Union during Reagan’s Presidency (one bit of treason), is old news to most of us familiar with the man’s odious history, despite the virtual media blackout on the subject.
What is not generally known is that Kennedy collaborated with the Soviets well before Reagan was elected, and had a direct hand in crafting the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. As a result of his efforts – which appear in retrospect to have been crafted to prevent detection of his seditious activities – the FBI was prevented from accessing critical intelligence that could have warned of 9-11.
This story has been brought to light in an article, Treason and Ted Kennedy: The Story the Media Won’t Tell by Herb Romerstein, a veteran investigator for the U.S. House of Representatives. Mr. Romerstein is probably the foremost expert on subversive activities in the United States during the period in question.
According to KGB archives, Kennedy used lifelong friend and former fellow senator John Tunney (son of famed heavyweight boxer, Gene Tunney) as a go-between with the Soviet KGB. In 1978 Kennedy requested that the KGB establish a relationship with Tunney’s firm, which they apparently had already done through one of their agents in France.
In another KGB report, Romerstein relates that:
March 5, 1980, John Tunney met with the KGB in Moscow on behalf of Sen. Kennedy. Tunney expressed Kennedy's opinion that "nonsense about 'the Soviet military threat' and Soviet ambitions for military expansion in the Persian Gulf . . . was being fueled by (President Jimmy) Carter, (National Security Advisor Zbigniew) Brzezinski, the Pentagon and the military industrial complex." Kennedy offered to speak out against President Carter on Afghanistan. Shortly thereafter he made public speeches opposing President Carter on this issue. (Emphasis mine.)
So Kennedy had been having conversations with the Soviets well before Reagan took office and even worked against his own party. But he had laid the groundwork for this treasonous activity even before this.
According to Romerstein:
Kennedy told the Senate Intelligence Committee in 1976 that "For the last 5 years I and others in the Senate have labored unsuccessfully to place some meaningful statutory restrictions on the so-called inherent power of the Executive to engage in surveillance."
When Congress discussed legislation to require a court warrant to wiretap enemy agents and terrorists, Kennedy and the ACLU began a campaign to raise the barriers as high as possible.
Kennedy introduced the concept in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Bill that required evidence that someone was providing classified information to a foreign intelligence service. Someone who "only" had a clandestine relationship with a foreign intelligence officer and carried out covert influence operations for a foreign power could not be wiretapped. (Emphasis mine.)
When we see the KGB reports we can understand why Kennedy would want this provision in the law. Kennedy was not a KGB agent. He also was not "a useful idiot" who was used by the KGB without understanding what he was doing. Kennedy was a collaborationist. He aided the KGB for his own political purposes.
It seems plain to me that Kennedy introduced this FISA legislation to cover himself for his later seditious activities. Now here is the final kicker:
The restrictions that Kennedy successfully put in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act were so tight that when the FBI arrested Zacarias Moussaoui (the so-called 20th highjacker) in August 2001, they could not get permission to download his computer since FBI headquarters understood that they did not have enough evidence to get a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. After 9/11 when they did download his computer they found, among other interesting things, information on the air currents over New York. After 9/11 Kennedy and other demagogues in the Congress blamed the FBI and CIA for the intelligence failure. The slogan was "they didn't connect the dots."
Gee Senator, how come?
I have studied Democrat efforts to subvert our country for over 20 years, and while I was unaware of this specific activity by Ted Kennedy, over the years the Congressional Left has provided ample demonstration of their vicious intentions. On September 12, 2001, I wrote a letter to the editor of the Washington Post. In it I stated “Democrats have blood on their hands!!” for their thirty years effort at undermining our intelligence agencies that blinded us to 9-11. Surprisingly it was published, but watered down to meaninglessness with all the references to Democrat culpability edited out.
It is worthwhile to reflect that while Republicans and Democrats alike lionize the fallen “Lion of the Senate,” with their silence they implicitly condone seditious activities that may have contributed to the loss of 2,998 American lives, the most costly single attack on American soil in U.S. history.
May God forgive you, Quisling.